Friday, April 27, 2018


my dear sir
busy though you maybe I
retain the right to be busier and
that my oeuvre might take precedence
over yours that the stuff of my doing
and being overrides all attention I may
or may not confer upon you and  
how dare I not have time for you
and your roguery your enticements and
your bustle ever so beguiling enough to distract
me from my singular purpose of mastery and 
attainment that I would even allow such a thing to
to come between me and triumph but 
you beckon and I resist you enchant and I waiver 
you fascinate and I am spellbound to the degree that only a splash of cold water upon my face and 
a shot of vodka chugged can return me to 
my state of determination
©Karen Casady2018

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