Monday, April 30, 2018


and denial creeps in
it has a way about it
surreptitious silent habitual 
the fallback the go to the familiar
a wise mechanism protective safe
a comforting womb warm embracing
here, have a cup of tea brewed with birth water
steeped in disappointment
welcome settle in denial kisses the top of your
head sings lullabies into your ears 
you sleep you float you cope once again
©Karen Casady2018

Sunday, April 29, 2018


and now I’m confused
put off and cut off by
a boundary a line in
the sand that cannot be
crossed I cannot forget
the image of you throwing
a tantrum the drama of which
belonged on stage but for the fact
that was really happening in front of
me as I silently watched unable to
process it because I have never borne
witness to such behavior and for that I
am grateful and no I was
not afraid nor was I angry instead I sat
in quiet disbelief to the episode that unfolded
before me and as quickly as you started you ended
not because you caught yourself but because somehow
you’d finished what you had to say nay scream nay howl
nay roar though that word implies the king of beasts
the lion in all its magnificence and glory
neither of which describe what I watched and now when
I look at you I can’t forget that you were that person even
as you go back to being yourself I cannot forget the violence
that became your demeanor and how easily you transformed and
how I now weigh the possibilities of enduring another momentary loss
of control and how now I am wont to confront you even gently for fear
of a repeat performance so yes now, I am cut off and put off by a boundary a line
in the sand that cannot be crossed because I cannot forget what happened
©Karen Casady2018

Saturday, April 28, 2018


my dear madam
might I join you in that
shot of vodka though I
feel certain of your answer
you must hear me out for I
want only to participate in your
triumph to aid you in your endeavors
flattered that I am how could I possibility
hold sway over you I mean not to cast a
shadow over you but rather to be your shadow
a mere apparition a slight phantom an admiring daydream
who slips into your mind and body
in this singular act I cannot be stopped
©Karen Casady2018

Friday, April 27, 2018


my dear sir
busy though you maybe I
retain the right to be busier and
that my oeuvre might take precedence
over yours that the stuff of my doing
and being overrides all attention I may
or may not confer upon you and  
how dare I not have time for you
and your roguery your enticements and
your bustle ever so beguiling enough to distract
me from my singular purpose of mastery and 
attainment that I would even allow such a thing to
to come between me and triumph but 
you beckon and I resist you enchant and I waiver 
you fascinate and I am spellbound to the degree that only a splash of cold water upon my face and 
a shot of vodka chugged can return me to 
my state of determination
©Karen Casady2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018


invite yourself? 
yes of course
why don’t you
first time
last time
an intrusion upon my sacred ground

no more
never again
ask though you might
the answer will be no
always no

you trampled my cherished garden
tried to make it your garden
it will never be your garden
you are a weed
here swallow some DDT
©Karen Casady2018

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


And what about that
braying anger and that 
beastly shouting and the 
raucous stomping of your feet
a violent stampede meant to 
upend and trample all reason and
symmetry to disable sanity in hopes of
dragging the rational into the depths of
dark confrontation where the muck of 
life comes apart and tornados rage with 
only the intent of destruction and obliteration 
and I sit and take note and wait till the storm
passes and search my integrity and find that I
am intact and unharmed but you combusted and
now lie on the floor disguised as a contrite pile of
shit destined to dry into non-amendable dust
©Karen Casady2018

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

When I bought my first pair of
hiking boots my mother said, 
“What do you need THOSE for?”
To which I retorted, “For hiking.”
And she waved me away with a flick
of her hand.

When my daughter bought 
her first pair of hiking boots I said,
“THOSE will last a long time.”
To which she replied, “An investment.”
And I nodded as I laced up my 
old worn brown lovelies.
©Karen Casady2018

Monday, April 23, 2018


you choose
him or 
bromance or
though I admit to
a lack of romance and
perhaps to a liking of those
evenings alone 
eating friendly strawberry crepes while
watching luscious chic flicks then
sprawling alone on our bed
falling asleep feet tucked under the hound
©Karen Casady2018

Sunday, April 22, 2018

In response to Douglas MacKinnion’s article “How Long Will I Be Allowed To Remain A Christian?” (

Hey dude. Man up and quit your whining. 

We Jews have put up with anti-semitism for two thousand years. And, oh wait. Who came up with the idea of Jews as Christ killers? Oh let me think. 

And, oh wait. Crusading Christian knights heading to the Holy Land to free it from Islam stopped along the way to slaughter Jews. Why wait to get to the Holy Land to murder infidels. 

Oh, and the Spanish Inquisition. Adopt Christianity or die. And, oh wait.The granddaddy of all. The Final Solution. Six million Jews gassed, shot, starved simply because, wait for it, they were Jews.

So dude, quit your whining. 

You folks have done your darnedest to rid the world of us folks. Unabashedly and unapologeticly. So we Jews have our doubts over your concerns. You are, after all, the majority. You do, in fact, wield great swaths of power.

And, oh wait. Much to your consternation, we Jews seem to survive. Tenaciously and unapologeticly. And, you folks seem to forget that Jesus was a circumcised Jewish man preaching to his fellow Jews. Oh, how quickly that is swept under the rug. 

Hey dude. Man up and quit your whining.

©Karen Casady2018

Saturday, April 21, 2018


She bought into his mythology.
Counted her change. Penny by penny. 
She plunked down her fortune.

Of course she did. 
For better or for worse. In sickness and in health.
She’s always there. She believes. She needs to believe.
Anything. Everything. Or there is nothing. 
A void. 

A vastness too broad to cross. 
The soles of her feet burn as she tries. The soul of her heart sears through her brain. Seals her eyes, nose and mouth. So she stumbles without vision and worships her god. 
©Karen Casady2018

Thursday, April 19, 2018


They lied. 
He lied.
The most powerful man in this country.
He lied. 
I cannot tell a lie, George Washington
The cherry tree
What happened to I cannot tell a lie
The most powerful man in this country
Oh let’s just lie about it, they said
Let’s just make up a story
I paid him back
So he says now
After deciding to lie
Lying trumps truth saying
And the believers say, see we knew it
And the truth sayers flabbergasted fall silent
And even the comics can’t laugh
And we wonder where the monks are
The ones who poured fuel upon themselves
Lit a match and burned for hypocrisy 
They’d be called mad men
Their charred remains blown away
©Karen Casady2018

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

birth day 4/18

Birth day. Day of birth. The
day we pop out of our 
mothers’ vaginas. We squall.
We protest. We beg for 
return. For none of us ever dream
of leaving the womb. We miss
its warm liquid darkness We
long for its steady beating heart. 

Most of us feel the immediate embrace of 
loving arms. Steadfast. Comforting. And 
kisses. Millions of them planted in upon
our tiny soft heads. 

But some of us pop out and we wait 
to hear a beating heart. And we wait 
for loving arms. And kisses. For us that
is our normal. Because we don't know. 
Later, we wonder what happened. 
©Karen Casady2018

for better or worse

“Why do you stay married to her?” you ask.

the difficulties between them magnified by multitudes of acrimony… by charmlessness… by a never-ending cramp in your wellbeing… a gut-wrenching tableau endlessly unfolding

“For better or worse,” he responds.

worse is better than better… better is worse than worse… the hell?... worse is better than nothing… nothing is better than worse… better never happens

“Fine,” you say. “Fine.”

you shake your head… throw up your arms… better or worse falters… fades… drops away… drained to sodden drivel… a sudden puddle splattered… a big bang… you are gone
©Karen Casady2018

Monday, April 16, 2018


so you go through the motions of
living and loving and you do stuff for
appearances and sometimes you feel
content and sometimes not but mostly
you walk between fair and middling hovering
above okay and just so to achieve your day but
sometimes you wonder about beyond the middle
about ecstasy or utter despair yet these things elude
you so you build a wall of invisible stasis and no one knows
how empty safety can be
©Karen Casady 2018

Sunday, April 15, 2018


when you realize it is
torn to shreds fine pieces that 
curl and float nothing hurts as they
flick and bounce around you landing
for a moment as you blow them away 
these ashes of the past remnants burnt solids
all that is left but you nestle among them and 
make a soft empty nest surrounded by the 
vastness of loss from which there is 
no return
no sound 
only silence
©Karen Casady 2018

Saturday, April 14, 2018

daytime blur

hidden from view
buried in lost time
nighttime secrets become
daytime blurs spinning quiet
disasters awkward with
blown out words and nonsensical 
expressions and blank faces all around
because a hundred times ago a
million seconds before a trusted hand
covers her mouth while stars shimmer
on the ceiling and her body explodes from
the lightness the touch but 
her mind screams no all too late
because it is done 
©Karen Casady 2018

Friday, April 13, 2018


He chews tobacco.
She hates it.
He has a brass spittoon under his desk.
She hates it.
His teeth are yellow
She hates them.
Always the pouch. The orange pouch. 
She hates that too.
He takes a pinch. The brown fragrant leaves.
She hates the stink. 
He invites her to chew. 
She hates him.

Why do you stay married to her I ask.
For better or worse he says.
©Karen Casady 2018

Thursday, April 12, 2018


and one more time she
appeared and appearances
count for something especially when
they occur in a dream during a long night’s dalliance
when restoration of the mind is essential and 
tensions melt away not accumulate; but she moved 
through the night doing odd things as characters who inhabit dreams often do; and though the details now elude me; shattered by dawn; shredded by sunlight; the concept of her returns once again; and hangs as sultry translucent threads swaying willy-nilly in 
disturbing nonsense 
©Karen Casady 2018

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


perchance the self righteous
the always right
the always knowing
the only one way
the no other way
and the indignation
and the anger
stuffed into the bag
that you are left holding
writhing and misshapen even though
the job is done and
everyone has walked away
including you
©karen casady 2018

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

bowl of cereal

upset angry put out out of sorts

find the adjective
take out the thesaurus
run down the list
jagged early morning serotonin levels
fly up and down at amazing rates
cause head explosions

tired tweaked whacked jerked

maybe the weather
maybe mercury in retrograde
maybe solar flairs
maybe just get up
maybe just have a bowl of cereal
©karen casady 2018

Monday, April 9, 2018


My dear madam
why? you ask why and
though I deign it quite
personal and proprietary
as things artistic often are with
you I will share my reasons because
I cannot care what others think though
some may like my work while others may not
but it does not matter all that matters is
what I think and how I feel though that is
hard because my skin is so thin you can see through it
but translucent though it may be it remains taunt and strong impenetrable
keeping out barbs and harm protecting my inner soul sustaining its warmth and safety
against the naysayers and misanthropes the skeptics and disparagers those that scoff
disdain and deride because I cannot please them nor do I try because in the end it is only
myself that I have myself to whom I answer myself that must be satisfied and though you may or
may not understand this paradigm it is to that ideal I must adhere lest my truth abandon me to sit motionless voiceless sightless
©Karen Casady 2018

Sunday, April 8, 2018

then so and

his heart broke
a long time ago
they did the surgery
to repair it
they added a stint
to help it along
and gobs of medication
to slow it down


came job after job
and everyone passed him up
and no solution existed
and no work could fix it
and every new idea bent and folded


he smiled an empty smile
and he laughed an empty laugh
but the bitterness leaked from his eyes
and it spread before him
and he sank as he walked
©Karen Casady 2018

Saturday, April 7, 2018

cats and dogs

Prompt: make a list of your different layers of identity; ways you could be described or lenses through which you could be viewed. Now write a poem in which one of the identities from the list contends or talks with another.

List: Wife mother daughter student friend writer poet playwright journalist retired dog owner cat lover parrot buddy collaborator colleague producer expediter lazy ass woman tea connoisseur dieter napper Clevelander Angeleno Bearcat Trojan sports fan theatergoer flute player piccolo player musician reader news junkie sponsor philanthropic wordsmith drives a Fiat

Dogs are more wont to be owned than cats.
                                           Asking why is futile.
This statement is a fact.
I have never met an owned cat.

Never ask why about a cat.
You might get an answer.
You will not like it.
Always ask why about a dog.
They will oblige.
You still will not like it.

If cats were larger they would eat us.
If dogs were larger…

Cats are stuff doers.
Dogs do stuff.
                                           Do not ask why.
                                                                                      You will not like the answer.
Cats make biscuits.
                                           Do not tell them.
                                                                                      They will not believe you.
 Dogs like balls.
                                           You do not need to tell them.
                                                                                      They know. They know. They know.

All in all:
Big dogs are lap dogs.                  Cats are uni-sized.
Small dogs yap and bite.              Cats have claws in their paws.
Dogs are stiff.                                 Cats are pliable.                              
Dogs grunt.                                     Cats purr.                                         
Dogs fart.                                        Cats puke hairballs.                        

Owner? Lover? Lover? Owner? Cat? Dog? Dog? Cat?
                                           Do not attempt an answer.
Choice is not possible.
©Karen Casady 2018

Friday, April 6, 2018

bad strawberry

a tweak a twinge something
odd maybe a bad strawberry maybe
too much caffeine maybe too much
hate maybe too much doubt seizes the
gut cringing with fear looking past transparent
niceness into eyes of malicious evil capable of
devising plots of destruction hiding behind ineptitude
and mindlessness lurking danger get out get out stay no
stay vigilance always vigilance and honesty perpetual
honesty and the goodness and compassion mashup
explode out her ass and shatter the glass bowl of her life
©Karen Casady 2018 

Thursday, April 5, 2018


when your heart sinks but
you don’t know why when you
search but no answers come when
sadness envelopes you but leaves you
puzzled by its vagueness when something
turns to nothing and you see the end as a
possibility but you turn away from it because the
unknown frightens you and you prefer the comfort of the
known because you realize that it takes more courage to live than to
die so you fall back upon your shroud of despair and wrap it tightly around
you so you do not fall and never get up 
©Karen Casady 2018

Wednesday, April 4, 2018


words just one maybe two
three for sure when lined up
in just the right order link arms
and jump for their lives sacrificing
context for the greater good or so it seems
spoken to explain away problematic conundrums
to offer up reason in an otherwise circular discourse
but rather than accomplish the purpose for which they are deigned
they fall flat landing on the earth beneath them and seep into brownness
shapelessness losing the very meaning of their existence but not before
grabbing your face and spitting upon it all the while noting your lesserness

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

list no poem no list poem

It’s a to do list.
It’s a poem.
It’s a list.
No. A poem.

Let me read it to you.

take the car for service
make an eye doctor appointment
call Afam
fix it fest
renew passport

See. It’s a poem.
It’s a list.
Says who?
I do. It’s my list.
You’ve composed a poem.
I wrote it. It’s a list.

The minute you set your pen to paper it became a poem.
It’s not a poem.
You gave your words to the universe.
It’s a list.
The author leaves the page once the words are set down.

I must take my car for service.
So it can be at the ready.

I need to go to the eye doctor.
All the better to see the world.

Look I haven’t called Afam in a while.
Call Afam if you must.

I’ve mending to do with him.
Of course. The fix it fest.

My passport is expired.
Then by all means renew it. So you will be free to flee in your now sturdy car because the mending of things with Afam proved foolhardy and you saw it all too clearly through new eyes.

It’s a to do list.
It’s a poem.

©Karen Casady 2018

Monday, April 2, 2018

diminished discourse

for a brief second it
flashes by
an image so
familiar it is the present
as though things never changed over
the years of nothing for no reason of
diminished discourse subdued into
silence so profound it echoes through
nerves and grey matter rattling stunning in
its quiet now shaken alive she sits wearing the
same clothes
same shoes
same expression
looking beyond laughing
smiling lulling in sweetness
and through a gasp an attempt to
reach back recover the image save it
in order to turn it savor it remember grasp
at long moments of contentment but
it disappears as quickly as it showed itself
and the rift bloody and sorrowful rips open again
heart torn from chest the mind sifts through debris
and comes up short
and sad

©Karen Casady 2018

rude tongue

My dear sir
I pray answer me
you chose a terrible subject
because perhaps of a desire
to portray to emote to inhabit
an impossible character and
I waited for the tears my tears
but they never appeared though I did
have one moment that moment of
loss that second of a child missing and
that second would never leave me if true
I could never exist in the world suit up and show
up as they say and I would lose my grip never leave my
home never stop crying until one day I would decide to
die and short of that decide to move on but that sense never
happened as I watched your portrayal and was lead along threads
of life that started and stopped went nowhere took me down paths that
drifted never resolving how unsatisfying so I pray you answer me relieve
my puzzlement resolve my discontent quiet my dismay as I wonder why and
hold my rude tongue keep my voice low criticize not one bit
©Karen Casady 2018

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and denial creeps in it has a way about it surreptitious silent habitual  the fallback the go to the familiar a wise mechanism protective sa...