Tuesday, April 3, 2018

list no poem no list poem

It’s a to do list.
It’s a poem.
It’s a list.
No. A poem.

Let me read it to you.

take the car for service
make an eye doctor appointment
call Afam
fix it fest
renew passport

See. It’s a poem.
It’s a list.
Says who?
I do. It’s my list.
You’ve composed a poem.
I wrote it. It’s a list.

The minute you set your pen to paper it became a poem.
It’s not a poem.
You gave your words to the universe.
It’s a list.
The author leaves the page once the words are set down.

I must take my car for service.
So it can be at the ready.

I need to go to the eye doctor.
All the better to see the world.

Look I haven’t called Afam in a while.
Call Afam if you must.

I’ve mending to do with him.
Of course. The fix it fest.

My passport is expired.
Then by all means renew it. So you will be free to flee in your now sturdy car because the mending of things with Afam proved foolhardy and you saw it all too clearly through new eyes.

It’s a to do list.
It’s a poem.

©Karen Casady 2018

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